Sunday, June 7, 2020

Natural Science Unit 6 (From the 8th of June to the 16h of June). FINAL TASKS.

2nd GRADE. Natural Science Unit 6 (From the 8th of June to the 16h of June)


Introduction videos.


Page 82: exercise 1

Page 84: exercise 1 with stickers and exercise 2

Video about simple and complex machines:

Page 85: exercises 1 and 2

Page 86: exercises 1 (write the words: hairdryer, laptop, oven, broom, tractor, pulley)

and  exercise 2

Page 87: exercise 1

Page 88: exercises 1 and 2

Page 89: exercises 1 and 2

Page 90: exercise 1

 Video about renewable and non renewable energy resources:

Review: pages 92 and 93: Exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4.