Sunday, May 24, 2020

Arts (25th May - 5th June)

Arts (From the 25th of May to the 5th of June)


Social Science Unit 6 (25th-5th June)

Social Science Unit 6 (From the 25th of May to the 5th of June)


Introduction videos.


Page 86: exercise 1

Page 87: exercise 1

Page 88: exercises 1 and 2

Page 89: exercises 1 and 2

Page 90: exercises 1 and 2

Page 91: exercise 1

Page 92: exercise 1(stickers are at the end of the book)

Exercise 2:
·       Past (0 years old, I was born)
·       Present: (7/8 years old, I am at home)
·       Future: ____ years old, I am a _________(profesiĆ³n)

Review: pages 94 and 95: Exercises 1, 2, 4 and 5